2018-11-14 – FOCUS – 4 Gifts to Enhance my Spiritual Life


KEY SCRIPTURE: Psalm 1:1-3 and 2 Timothy 3:16-17



  1. What stuck out to you tonight in the devotional message?
  2. Do you think the Bible has anything to say to people in 2018 or is it too old? Explain your responses to this question.
  3. How often do you read the Bible and why? No judgment in the group, please and this isn’t a comparison.
  4. Has God ever spoken to you through the Bible? If so, what was the most recent thing He spoke to you?
  5. What is the difference to you in owning a Bible and “meditating,” (Psalm 1:1-3) on the Bible? What do you think meditating on the Bible looks like?
  6. What do you think would be the change to your life if you read the Bible every day for a month?
  7. Are there 2 or 3 friends you think that you could persuade to read the Bible with you for a month? If so, where would you start reading with them?
  8. What are you going to do this week differently than last week because of the topic tonight?

OUTWARD PRAYER – Prayer for others


I need to gain wisdom by taking in God’s word daily, not just have access to the information.

WORD UP Psalm 1:1-3 – These verses at the beginning of Psalms are a powerful encouragement for any follower of Jesus to daily soak in God’s Word. I intentionally use the word “soak” as this Psalm uses the metaphor of trees planted by streams of water. It doesn’t dictate or command the “soaking” in God’s word day and night  but rather encourages it based on the exceptional benefits. I think it’s important to emphasize this encouragement. This isn’t just talking about having access to a Bible on your phone, or owning a hard copy Bible. It encourages us to regularly read it, and think about it, “meditate” on it. The ultimate benefit is life and ongoing life. It is not just reading words to check off a box, but reading or listening to God’s word because it  speaks life to us, enlivening our very minds and bodies and spirits.

2 Timothy 3:16-17 – In a couple verses; a couple ideas to highlight. 1. The Bible is God inspired, God breathed, making it different from any other book of all time. It truly is a book of life. 2. The wisdom gained from the Bible, not just the information, equips us on our journey and purpose that God has hardwired into us.


Here are a few ideas for grabbing the attention of youth and pointing them towards the topic:

  1. Use some stats or play the video from bibleengagementstudy.ca that talks about how many people actually read and think about the Bible on a regular basis in Canada. This can lead you to ask the following questions: Why do you they think this stat is so low? Do they think the stat is higher or lower since its four years later? Do they think it matters whether people read the Bible or not?
  2. Share a story of when you experienced God speak to you through His Bible
  3. You can use the video (kind of cheesy, but I think intentionally) at https://youtu.be/R3fwzMSysmo   titled “Why Read the Bible? — Here’s 4 Reasons why you Should NOT Read the Bible. ;)”


  • If I read the bible and think about it on a regular basis, I will be more successful in the purposes God has created me for
  • I am missing out on life when I don’t regularly get into God’s Word
  • The words in the Bible are written right to me by the creator of the universe


  • Examine how regularly I read God’s Word and the influence the Bible does have on the life that I live
  • Make a plan to read the Bible for a month daily and invite two other friends to do it with me
    (I can use the youversion Bible app for this)
  • Weekly check in with those two friends asking them and sharing with them what God is saying to me and to them