2019-04-17- Healing & Prayer Ministry
The person praying – Keep your eyes open. Observe what is happening. Be present.
The person receiving prayer – Close eyes. Possibly open hands as a posture of receiving from God.
Step 1: Before entering a time of prayer ministry of healing, spend a few moments yourself with God, and ask him to give you wisdom and discernment as you prepare to pray with people. Ask God in that moment if there is anything specific that he wants to heal. (He may give you an impression, picture, word, or a momentary pain in that part of your body which advises what he’d like you to pray for.)
Step 2: The Interview – Introduce yourself to the person you are praying with, ask where it hurts, or what they would like you to pray for.
Ask them on a scale of 1-10 of the pain rating, 1 being nothing, 10 being extremely bad). This is helpful.
Step 3: Check if it is okay to lay hands. I’d encourage a hand on the shoulder. Sometimes it’s helpful to lay hands where the pain is. (Girls lay hands on girls, guys lay hands on guys.)
Step 4: Ask the Holy Spirit to come minister to the person. This is about God and them. You are simple joining in with what God is doing.
Step 5: Ask for God to heal followed by a command of faith (Peter Acts 3).
A helpful line may be something like, “Jesus thank you that we get to partner with you, thank you that you give me authority to declare healing because you empower me, I now declare healing in Jesus name of (INSERT HURT/PAIN)”
Step 6: After praying for the first time ask if their pain number (1-10) has decreased. If it has, praise God and continue to pray. If not, I encourage praying 2 more times (3 in total).
Step 7 If somebody is not healed in the moment (which does happen often), (Part I): ask that person to ask Jesus, “What are you teaching me in this season of suffering?” (Paul did this in 2 Cor 12, and Jesus told him why.)
Step 7 If somebody is healed, praise God for his healing and have the person ask (Part II): Jesus, “What are you teaching me through this healing?”
Step 8: Finish by thanking God for the time to spend in his presence and being able to pray for (INSERT NAME).
Step 9: Encouragement and possible next steps: 1. Encourage them to read their bible and spend time with God daily. 2. If they are not involved in Church encourage them into community. 3. If there was not healing, encourage them to contact their doctor.
Step 10: Note their name, and your time of prayer, and keep that person in your prayers regularly.
Experience and Discussion
Take the step-by-step guide into your small group and practise praying for healing with somebody. It may feel strange at the beginning but prayer is a beautiful thing, and it is a gift to partner with Jesus as he heals people.
Following your time of prayer ministry, discuss these following questions:
1. What have you learnt over the past 3 weeks about healing?
2. Would you feel more confident now to pray with people? If so, why?
3. Would you like to be part of a Youth prayer team that ministers to your peers on Wednesdays? (Leaders, note names)
Healing & Prayer Ministry
This weeks topic looks a little bit different than a normal week. We are going to be practising prayer ministry, specifically surrounding healing. Over the last two weeks we have looked at the theology of healing, why God sometimes doesn’t heal, and how to listen to God’s voice.
In today’s teach time you are going to give a little summary of the last 2 weeks, and are going to introduce and teach one model of prayer ministry. This model is not the perfect model, but is a good model to use when praying for healing.
What to include in your summary:
1. Jesus loves to heal, and loves to use his people to do it. (Acts 3 – Peter and John)
2. When someone is healed they can’t resist but seek Jesus and celebrate. (Acts 3)
3. When someone is healed, the gospel is readily received. (Acts 3)
4. Sometimes people are not healed instantly.
5. Sometimes healing is a process… and can be long!
6. Sometimes healing never comes, but Rev 21:4 reminds us that one day we will all be raised to life with perfect bodies. No longer will there be sickness, pain, depression, anxiety, broken relationships ect….
7. Until that moment we live in the “now and not yet”, where we see Jesus heal people sometimes and not all the time.
8. As Christians, we are called to pray for healing (James 5:14-15). So we pray.
9. Some people have the spiritual gift of healing, meaning people are healed more often when they pray. We don’t know why each person is given the gift they have, but we do not it is to build the church, bring others into relationship with Jesus, and to glorify God.
After you summarise our past two weeks you are now going to teach on how to pray for healing for somebody. Here is a simple step-by-step guide. It is not a magic formula, but is helpful in aligning ourselves with the Holy Spirit and seeking God’s will. Each small group will take this model into group time and use it for their prayer time.
I’d encourage you to pick somebody who can serve as your example for walking through the steps (maybe another leader/peer).
The person praying – Keep your eyes open. Observe what is happening. Be present.
The person receiving prayer – Close eyes. Possibly open hands as a posture of receiving from God.
Step 1: Before entering a time of prayer ministry of healing, spend a few moments yourself with God, and ask him to give you wisdom and discernment as you prepare to pray with people. Ask God in that moment if there is anything specific that he wants to heal. (He may give you an impression, picture, word, or a momentary pain in that part of your body which advises what he’d like you to pray for.)
Step 2: The Interview – Introduce yourself to the person you are praying with, ask where it hurts, or what they would like you to pray for.
Ask them on a scale of 1-10 of the pain rating, 1 being nothing, 10 being extremely bad). This is helpful.
Step 3: Check if it is okay to lay hands. I’d encourage a hand on the shoulder. Sometimes it’s helpful to lay hands where the pain is. (Girls lay hands on girls, guys lay hands on guys.)
Step 4: Ask the Holy Spirit to come minister to the person. This is about God and them. You are simple joining in with what God is doing.
Step 5: Ask for God to heal followed by a command of faith (Peter Acts 3).
A helpful line may be something like, “Jesus thank you that we get to partner with you, thank you that you give me authority to declare healing because you empower me, I now declare healing in Jesus name of (INSERT HURT/PAIN)”
Step 6: After praying for the first time ask if their pain number (1-10) has decreased. If it has, praise God and continue to pray. If not, I encourage praying 2 more times (3 in total).
Step 7 If somebody is not healed in the moment (which does happen often), (Part I): ask that person to ask Jesus, “What are you teaching me in this season of suffering?” (Paul did this in 2 Cor 12, and Jesus told him why.)
Step 7 If somebody is healed, praise God for his healing and have the person ask (Part II): Jesus, “What are you teaching me through this healing?”
Step 8: Finish by thanking God for the time to spend in his presence and being able to pray for (INSERT NAME).
Step 9: Encouragement and possible next steps: 1. Encourage them to read their bible and spend time with God daily. 2. If they are not involved in Church encourage them into community. 3. If there was not healing, encourage them to contact their doctor.
Step 10: Note their name, and your time of prayer, and keep that person in your prayers regularly.