2020-03-04- Made for More | Made for God`s Family


Small Group


What’s your favourite colour and why do you think it’s the best colour?
What would the world be like if everyone had the same favourite colour?
How important is community to you?
Do you think it’s better to have a number of friends who are like you or a number of friends who are different than you? Explain your response?
How would you define “Church?”
Is Church important, why or why not?
Of the 5 areas that Timothy exemplified as being part of God’s family:
Belief in Jesus
Being discipled (growing in Jesus)
Engaging in Scripture
Being Equipped
Serving Others
Which one of those 5 do you feel you need to focus the most on right now?



Week 2 | March 04, 2020

Made for More: Made for God’s Family

WHAT’S THE POINT? I am made to be part of God’s family, the Church. I am not meant to be alone in my faith.

WORD UP: The main character that we are looking at for this message in the series is Timothy in the new Testament. He exemplifies someone who is part of God’s family, the Church. He shows us that being part of God’s family means:

  1. BELIEF IN JESUS – 2 Timothy 1:5 – “Having a sincere faith” or maybe better explained; Having a genuine belief in and relationship with Jesus
  2. BEING DISCIPLED – 1 Timothy 1:2 and 2 Timothy 1:13-14 – Actively being discipled, taught by those in the church (in this case Paul who calls himself Timothy’s spiritual father)
  3. ENGAGING SCRIPTURE – 2 Timothy 3:14-17 – Self feeding, reading the Scriptures in order to encourage others and and grow off of each other
  4. BEING EQUIPPED – 1 Timothy 4:14 and 2 Timothy 1:6-7 – Being equipped with spiritual gifts and training for God’s purposes
  5. SERVING – 1 Timothy 4:11-16 – Serving in ministry with the gifts God has given in and outside the church. Not just being an observer, but an actual participant in ministry.

Another key Scripture that might be helpful is: 1 Corinthians 12:12-31, speaking of the unity and diversity of the Church

Share of a story when being involved in a local church made a huge difference in your life or when you saw it make a significant impact in someone’s life.

Video/Object Lesson – Mister Potato head video describing 1 Corinthians 12:12-31 – https://youtu.be/uFSY-41pVzw – I might not be inclined to use this video because of how kid-ish it is, but if you happen to have access to a Mister Potato head and can communicate similarly in a youth way with Mister Potato head, it might be useful

Video – Body of Christ (Wayward Hand) – https://youtu.be/3zOy-BCITqU – funny video that depicts if one of our body parts did it’s own thing

God gives me a spiritual family so that I’m not alone in my faith
I am stronger with others
My life with Jesus is enhanced by the partnership of others

I need to make attending youth and weekend services a priority
I need to actively engage in reading the Bible and sharing what I’m learning with others
I need to be mentored and be equipped for ministry
I need to use my gifts and skills in serving others