2020-03-11- Made for More | Made for Better – Peace


Small Group



  1. What stood out to you tonight in the devotional? Why do you think that was especially a highlight for you?
  2. Hearing the story of Isaac in Genesis 26 (maybe re-read the chapter if you need to), what did he give up to make peace?
  3. Isaac could have fought and won against the nations around himself, he had the resources and military strength, but he chose otherwise even though there was wrong done to him. What does that teach you about peace?
  4. When someone wrongs you and maybe someone has recently, why is it difficult to make peace with them? 
  5. What did God give up, in order to make peace with us? How does that give us a model for peace making in our own lives?



Week 3 | March 11, 2020

Made for More: Made for Better – Peace

WHAT’S THE POINT? I am made to be better. I am made to be a peacemaker.


The main character that we are looking at for this message in the series is Isaac. In the Old Testament God is often referred to as the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Isaac is the one in the middle that often not a lot of focus is put on. Abraham is known for his strength and obedience to God. Jacob is known for his cunning intelligence and becoming Israel, the Father of the Israelite people. Isaac is the guy in the middle, that we often don’t think about. But he actually exemplifies one of the fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5. The fruit he exemplifies is peace. Isaac is a peacemaker.

We might know the beginning of Isaac’s life, the miracle baby to old senior citizens or the one who was almost sacrificed to prove his father’s obedience God. But how much do we talk about Isaac’s wells and his choice to pursue peace? Take a read through Genesis 26 and you might notice a few things:

  • Isaac had power and riches from God, just like his father Abraham
  • Isaac dug a number of wells
  • The Philistines were jealous of Isaac’s wealth and kept filling in the wells
  • Wells in this time and culture are life because they provide water and literally are the difference between life and death
  • Names of his wells
    • “Esek” which means contention (got filled in by the Philistines and Isaac moved)
    • “Sitnah” which means enmity (got filled in by the Philistines and Isaac moved)
    • “Rehoboth” which means broad places or room… it says “For now the Lord has made room for us…” (this one wasn’t filled in)
  • Isaac chooses to move from place to place in order to maintain peace, even though he is completely capable of fighting the other nations around him and winning, he chooses peace
  • It’s important to note, that peace isn’t simply running away from problems as some might interpret these actions of Isaac, but rather choosing to prefer someone else bring peace

2 Corinthians 5:15-20

In this text the word “reconciliation” is used. Essentially what reconciliation means is making peace. In this Scripture it reinforces that as followers of Christ, we are ambassador of reconciliation, helping people make peace with one another and with God. Jesus was the ultimate example of peace making as He made peace for all on the cross.


  • Share of a story when someone you know had to give up something to make peace.
  • Video – A Thousand Words (2012) – Making Peace Scene (10/10) | Movieclips – https://youtu.be/f8dkNziRlHg – This movie came out 8 years ago, so probably most people won’t know it, so you’ll have to explain it. If you head to it’s Wiki page, you can quickly read the plot through yourself and then share with the youth the important parts they need to understand to understand what they are watching: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Thousand_Words_(film). Alternatively, you could also use another clip from the movie to explain it: https://youtu.be/4vJ6xB6ctaA   After the “Making Peace” video is complete you can talk about making peace with those in their lives. Suggest that we have more than a few words we can use, but just like Isaac in the story of Scripture we have a lot at our disposal for making peace and it’s our choice to use what we have for our own selfish purposes or for making peace.


  • I have the ability and resources to bring peace to people
  • Followers of Jesus are called to be peacemakers
  • I live out what I am made for, when I bring peace


  • I need to examine the relationships in my life to see if there is anyone who I need to make peace with and if there is anything on my part that I need to deal with
  • I need to ask God for help on how to make peace and the strength to do it
  • I need to figure out the next steps towards peace and start walking in that direction
  • I need to celebrate the peace God has given me with Himself and others, and tell others about the peace He gives