2021-06-02 About Us: The Future
Inward Prayer
- Having finished our About Us value series, doyour heart and beliefs align with where we are going as a youth group?
- If someone who had no understanding of Jesus or church asked you to describe what Beulah Youth is about. How would you phrase it so that it makes sense to them?
- Out of the 4 values, which one do you need to spend a little extra attention in your personal life and faith?
- What do you think will happen in your personal life, our youth ministry and our city if we own and live out these 4 values?
- What excites you most about youth next year?
Outward Prayer
As youth, we are to set the example of what it means to be Jesus followers, embodying our values of Loving Jesus, Healthy Community, Building Servant Leaders and Caring for our City.
1 Timothy 4:12
Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.
Summarize the past 4 weeks and the values which make up our youth ministry:
We are about JESUS!
Being part of the Beulah Youth family means that we take following Jesus seriously, but
we don’t take ourselves too seriously. Being about Jesus means that we recognize everyone is on a faith journey and we want to help students grow in a deeper relationship with Jesus as we follow the teachings and ways of Jesus. Following Jesus doesn’t simply mean knowing about him or doing things now and again to please him. Being a follower of Jesus, literally means apprenticing under Jesus. Living lives where Jesus is in the driver’s seat. And our everyday lives start to look radically different. It means that we emulate one of our core church values which is to grow!
We are about gathering as a community which loves each other!
Being part of the Beulah Youth family means that we take care of each other, looking
out for the best interests of others, showing the love of Jesus to everyone we encounter
through our words, actions and attitude. It means that we emulate one of our core church values which is to gather!
We are about building servant leaders.
We will give every student the opportunity to discover their gifts and develop them, while also growing a Christ-like servant heart at the same time. It means that we emulate one of our core church values which is to give!
Care for our City
We are an Edmonton based youth ministry, across three campuses, and are called to love our city! It means that we emulate one of our core church values which is to go!
The answer to why should I care about our values and convictions is simple… this is the direction we are going. Are you in?This means as a youth ministry we will be making decisions on how we live and how we act, and what things we do based on these 4 values. This means that as a student you have ownership of these values and know exactly where we stand. This means that we are partnering with our greater Beulah church family as we emulate the core values of gather, grow, give and go!Often, what can be seen as a hinderance is our age. Sometimes we allow our age to be the excuse of why we can or cannot do something. Yet Paul in this letter to Timothy reminds him, and us, that your age should not be a limiting factor but an exampling factor. That young people are called to “set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.”
How you love Jesus matters. How you example your faith matters. You are not only encouraging those around you but are challenging those older than you. As a youth ministry we don’t believe in a mini-version of faith, or a mini-empowering of the Holy Spirit… but that God fully meets with us and equips as regardless of age to be followers of Jesus who can make a difference!
Take time to process through our values. These values came from a mixture of our DNA, shared experience and responses from students in our “About Us Survey”. This is who we are. We are a Jesus focused, community driven, leadership empowering, city serving church. And everyone has a role to play.
– Know the values
– Own the values
– Live the values