2023- Feb 22 | The Renewing of Our Minds


Inward Prayer

Small Group Questions:

    1. Read Romans 12:2
    2. How has Jesus renewed the way you view yourself, others and life as a whole?
    3. How might this affect your mental health?
    4. How would you help a friend who knows Jesus that is struggling with their mental health?

Outward Prayer



Transformation, healing, and growth are all walked upon the slow, narrow path, which takes time and perseverance. Jesus promises to walk with us as he “makes us new.” We will one day be made new.


Romans 12:2, Romans 8:18


Last week we learned about the importance of dwelling on thoughts that are of God. We will see improvements in our mental health when we consciously decide to focus on Him and not the negative thoughts, fears, or anxieties we struggle with. Taking hold of our thoughts is a skill we must work on throughout our lives. If at a young age, one can become aware of their thoughts and practice giving them to Jesus; they will be a pro at it by the time they’re older.

As children of God, we are all being made new to be more like Jesus. This “making new” will be complete when we one day meet with Jesus.

Romans 12:2 says:

“Do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may discern what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God.” (Romans 12:2 CSB)

Jesus wants to make us new from the inside out. His desire is that we would constantly be improving our mental health and focusing on the things of God. We can be transformed when we seek the renewal of our thoughts, focusing them on God.

Can the feelings of fear or hopelessness return? Absolutely. They can, and they probably will. And when they do, we go back to Jesus again and again. Do not feel discouraged if you feel you have regressed in health or feel the same as you did when you began this renewal. This change takes time and takes intentional hard work, but it is IMPORTANT.

During hard times, lean on those around you and learn fresh ways to continue developing as a Christian. This means learning spiritual disciplines, intentionally studying the bible, and seeking after God when you don’t feel Him near. Refuse to isolate yourself, and be part of youth every week, so that people you may not know get to know you, and you them.


As you prepare the core of the message using personal stories and questions keep in mind these points:

  • Transformation, healing, and growth are all walked upon the slow, narrow path, which takes time and perseverance.
  • As children of God, we are all being made new to be more like Jesus. This “making new” will be complete when we one day meet with Jesus.
  • This change takes time and takes intentional hard work, but it is IMPORTANT that we allow God to renew our minds.


As you prepare the application, challenge and/or encouragement, keep in mind these points:

  • Read Romans 8:18 and give time for reflection on the work Jesus is doing in and through us
  • Give practical ways in which one may continually be renewed (see examples in THE CONTEXT)
  • Like the last two weeks, speak to those who may be suffering. Encourage them to reach out, tell them they are not alone and that Jesus wants to heal them.