2023 Oct 25 | META: Rebellion and Rescue


Inward Prayer

Small Group Questions:

    1. If Israel had encountered so many miracles and remarkable moments with God, why do you think they constantly rebelled?
    2. Israel demanded a human King. God wasn’t quite what they wanted and they wanted to be like the other nations around them. How do we do the same in our lives?
    3. There were hundreds of prophecies about the coming Messiah, the King who would rule forever. Prophecies which even included where he would be born and how he would die. How do these prophecies impact your faith?
    4. The Old Testament could be summarized as “a loving God who constantly rescues his rebellious people”. Why does God stay faithful?
    5. Now that we have completed a fly-over of the Old Testament, is there a book or story you want to go back and read in detail?

Outward Prayer



The Israelites struggle to remain faithful to God and begin a cycle of Rebellion & Rescue. They are blessed, they rebel, they are enslaved, they cry out for help, they are rescued and they repeat. This cycle continues throughout the rest of the Old Testament. As Israel fell away from God and was punished, God continued to describe the figure of redemption in the Messiah, a new covenant.


Nehemiah 9:16-33 & Isaiah 53:1–7


God’s people enter Canaan, the Promised Land, under the leadership of Joshua, yet they continue to rebel and do evil. God sends judges and prophets to speak His words and to call his people back to Himself, yet they continue the cycle of rebellion and rescue. Eventually, Israel demands a King so they can look like the other nations. This is significant since God should be their King, however, they wanted the benefits of God’s blessings but not God himself. Israel has good Kings and evil Kings (mainly evil) but during this season of Israel’s existence, prophecies were being told of a coming King, one who would rule forever and save God’s people forever!




As you prepare the core of the message using personal story and questions keep in mind these points:

  • The nation of Israel broke apart and eventually went into exile throughout the latter part of the Old Testament. Throughout that time, prophets would rise up to confront corruption and disobedience in God’s people. Throughout the years, a figure would be described as one given by God to redeem his people. One prophet, Isaiah, gives a description of this figure and the work that he will do. This figure would be called the Messiah.
  • A messianic figure is a charismatic leader that people have an inflated view of, feeling the person will “save” them from trouble. But the term Messiah is from the Bible and describes the anointed one, the leader appointed by God to carry out the special mission of redemption and liberation.
  • The entire Old Testament has been building up to this Messianic figure. It is why it’s so important to read and understand the Old Testament as it prepares the way for Jesus.
  • God’s people went through seasons where they had good leaders like Joseph and David but they also went through many more seasons where they had bad and evil leaders. Many want the blessings of the Kingdom but don’t want the King. This has been the story of the Israelites and is often the same story for us today. We want peace, but we don’t want the Prince of Peace. We want justice, but we don’t want the Holy God. We want freedom, but we don’t want the Holy Spirit who rebukes and convicts. At the end of the day, we are all ruled by something. As Jesus says in Matthew 6, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” So who or what is your King?

  • Throughout the book of Isaiah, a figure is continually spoken of and the picture of him is built upon. For God’s plan of reconciliation, God “planned to accomplish this reconciliation through a very special servant. The servant would be a king born into the family of David under remarkable circumstances (7:14). His reign would bring victory, justice, and peace to God’s people (32:1–20). Some of Isaiah’s prophecies suggest that this king would be more than human; He would be none other than God Himself come to live among His people.”


As you prepare the application, challenge and/or encouragement, keep in mind these points:

  • Jesus is our Messiah and the one who brings new life to us.
  • Just like Israel, we rebel against God, yet he remains faithful to us.
  • Who is your king?