2023 Nov 29 Created to Serve
Inward Prayer
Small Group Questions:
- Why do you think God wants us to work?
- Often, we see two extremes of work in our world: being overly-committed or non-committed. Which extreme do you tend to lean more towards?
- Share how you have been served this past week. How did that make you feel?
- Where have you always wanted to serve, but have been reluctant to? What is stopping you?
Outward Prayer
Even before sin entered the world, humanity worked and it was good. God’s intention for us is to serve one another in love.
Genesis 2:15, Ephesians 2:10, Colossians 3:23-24
From the beginning of time, God created us to work. Because we are made holy, our labour is holy. In Genesis 2:15, God places Adam in the Garden of Eden to work it and watch over it. This was before the fall of man and the introduction of sin into the world. Therefore, work was not a punishment or a result of sin but rather a part of God’s original design for humanity. When we get to Heaven, there will be work for us to do. (Revelation 22:3).
However, in our society, we are often pushed to overwork. We may over-commit ourselves in the name of serving, which can result in pride, burnout, or lack of rest. Maybe we neglect to serve at all. Neither is good. We are called to work and serve one another, but how can we do this God’s way?
We read in the bible that serving one another should happen from a place of humility and not for personal gain. We also have received gifts to offer in service. “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” (1 Peter 4:10 CSB)
Good works are essential, but they do not save us. We should not work to keep our salvation, but rather, work knowing that we are children of God. Ephesians 2:10 reminds us that we are saved by grace through faith, not by our own works. However, Paul goes on to say that we are still created to do good works, which God has prepared for us to do. This means that our good works are not what save us but a result of our salvation and our desire to follow God’s will. Remember that what we do has a greater impact than we may realize.
As you prepare the core of the message using personal story and questions keep in mind these points:
- Serving others is not a punishment for sin, but a part of God’s original design for humanity.
- Often we see two extremes of work in our world: being overly-committed or non-comitted.
- As followers of Jesus, we must serve and love one another through the guidance and strength of the Holy Spirit.
As you prepare the application, challenge and/or encouragement, keep in mind these points:
- In the coming weeks, how can you serve those around you/your small group? This could be something that seems very small but can make a big impact.
- Encourage everyone to think about their purpose for serving and how we get to partner with God in His new work.