2024 Jan 24 The Gospel of John: “I AM”


Inward Prayer

Small Group Questions:

    1. Which of the seven “I Am” statements was your favourite and why?
    2. How do you think reading and understanding the words of Jesus can help us better comprehend His character?
    3. In what ways can a deeper understanding of Jesus’ character bring comfort to our lives and help us navigate challenges and uncertainties?
    4. How can we actively work on reflecting the character of Jesus in our daily lives, and why is this important in our Christian journey?

Outward Prayer



The more we understand the character of Jesus, the more we can come to reflect his character.


John 6:35, 8:12, 10:7, 10:11, 14, 11:25, 14:6, 15:1


The seven “I am” statements found in the Gospel of John are the bread of life (6:35), the light of the world (8:12), the door (10:7), the good shepherd (10:11, 14), the resurrection and the life (11:25), the way the truth and the life (14:6) and the true vine (15:1).

The phrase “I Am” found at the beginning of each of these statements reflects Exodus 3:14 where God introduces himself to Moses as “I AM WHO I AM.” A Jew who heard “I Am,” would recognize the phrase as reflecting God’s infinite essence. He always was, always is, and always will be.

Below is an insight into each of the “I Am” statements in the book of John.

The Bread of Life

In the same way that we satisfy physical hunger with physical food, we can satisfy spiritual hunger with a relationship with Jesus. Physical food sustains life, spiritual life is sustained by the Bread of Life.

The Light of the World

When Jesus says He is the “light of the world” we can know from context that he is in the treasury of the temple. Here, there would be candles lit, symbolizing the “pillar of fire” in Exodus. This was the presence of God used to guide and protect the Israelites. If Jesus is the “light of the world,” then he both guides us and protects us.

The Door

In a sheep pen, the door acts as a way to let livestock in and to keep threats out. It is a protective measure a good shepherd uses. If Jesus is the door, then He is the only way into the sheep pen. He offers us the safety of salvation in Him when we follow him into his fold.

The Good Shepherd

These verses use the “hired hand” as a foil to the good shepherd. A hired hand only cares about the money they get for caring for the sheep. Therefore, when trouble comes, a hired hand will abandon the flock to save their own life. However, Jesus is the good shepherd, who loves his sheep, laying down his life for them.

The Resurrection and the Life

Jesus makes this statement while in conversation with Martha, the sister of Lazarus. Lazarus, at this point, had been dead for four days. Because Jesus is the resurrection and life, it would mean he has power over death. For if he is life, he too can restore life. Jesus then raises Lazarus from the dead.

The Way, The Truth and the Life

Just as Jesus is the “only way into the sheep pen,” he is also the only way we may come to God the Father. Only by Him may we have access to eternal life with the Father – He is the way. As the truth, Jesus is the fulfillment of God’s promises. As the life, he restores us to new life in him.

The True Vine

God the Father cares for the branches, which come from Jesus the vine. He cuts off the branches that bear no fruit. Those who don’t bear fruit for God, or even worse, prevent others from bearing fruit, and will be cut off. The Father prunes the fruit-bearing branches, which is done to promote growth. God allows us to have experiences that bring about growth – a strengthening of our faith and character.


As you prepare the core of the message using personal story and questions keep in mind these points:

  • Spiritual life is sustained by the Bread of Life.
  • As the “light of the world,” Jesus both guides us and protects us.
  • Jesus has power over death. For if he is life, he too can restore life.
  • Only by Him may we have access to eternal life with the Father – He is the way.
  • As the truth, Jesus is the fulfillment of God’s promises.
  • Those who don’t bear fruit for God, or even worse, prevent others from bearing fruit, will be cut off.
  • God allows us to have experiences that bring about growth – a strengthening of our faith and character.


As you prepare the application, challenge and/or encouragement, keep in mind these points:

  • The more we read the words of Jesus, the more we can understand His character.
  • The more we understand the character of Jesus, the more we can find comfort in who He is.
  • The more we understand the character of Jesus, the more we can come to reflect his character.