2024 Feb 7 Love Story : New Romantics


Inward Prayer

Small Group Questions:

    1. What does the story of Adam and Eve teach us about the importance of companionship and healthy relationships in our lives?
    2. Why should we know ourselves well before dating? How can we do that?
    3. How can we find our worth in Jesus and not just in relationships or what others say?
    4. Can you share an example from your own life where a strong friendship has taught you a valuable lesson about respect, effective communication, or conflict resolution, and how did it influence your understanding of healthy relationships?
    5. How do your current friendships impact future dating? What lessons do you want to carry into dating from these friendships?

Outward Prayer



Before dating, we should focus on rooting our identity in Christ and building strong friendships as a foundation for healthy relationships.


Genesis 2:18 (CSB), 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 (CSB)


The creation of Eve as a companion for Adam serves as a powerful reminder of the significance of companionship and the value of healthy relationships. It’s not good for us to be alone.

Dating serves as a way for us to explore companionship and build meaningful connections. It offers us the opportunity to learn about ourselves and others, developing crucial life skills such as effective communication, empathy, and conflict resolution. Just as God recognized the importance of companionship in the creation of Adam and Eve, dating can provide us with a place to cultivate supportive friendships and discover the qualities we value in a partner.

However, this is not accomplished only within a dating relationship. We can uncover our values and learn how to practice healthy communication within friendships as well. Choosing to date is a step that should not be taken lightly. While the world would like to tell you that one can be perfectly okay jumping in and out of relationships, there is a lot of heart damage that can come from this. (Later in this series, we will touch on “guarding our hearts.”) That is why one must set a strong foundation before entering into the dating world.


  • While the goal of dating is to find the one you will one day marry, not all of us will get married. Two of the greatest people in the bible Jesus and Paul, never got married, and still had fulfilling relationships with others.
  • Before we start dating, we must ask ourselves, am I a good friend?
  • Before we jump into dating, it’s crucial for us to have a good grasp of who we are. This self-discovery phase helps us understand our values, beliefs, and identity. Think of it as laying the groundwork. We can explore these aspects within the context of friendships.
  • We shouldn’t base our self-worth on what others think of us and whether or not we are in a relationship. Instead, let’s anchor our identity in Christ. This provides a solid foundation that prevents us from seeking validation or fulfillment through dating.
  • Strong friendships are like training grounds for healthy relationships. They teach us respect, effective communication, and how to resolve conflicts.
  • While dating is a significant part of some of our lives, it’s important to maintain our individuality and interests. We shouldn’t become so consumed by the relationship that we neglect our personal goals, hobbies, and friendships. Balancing both aspects allows us to grow as individuals and brings a richer dynamic to our partnerships.


As you prepare the application, challenge and/or encouragement, keep in mind these points:

  • Be a really good friend to your friends and family. Be the person you’d want your future spouse to marry.
  • Actively practice empathy, active listening, and conflict resolution in your friendships. Being there for friends and resolving conflicts respectfully will build strong foundations for all relationships.