2024-October 30 |Realtionship Goals: Yourself
Inward Prayer
Small Group Questions:
- What is something you like about yourself?
- Would you say you have a good or bad relationship with yourself? and why?
- Who does God say you are?
- Read Psalm 139, What is something Scripture says about you that is hard to believe?
- What does it mean that we are children of God? How does that title affect our identity?
- What steps can you take emotionally, spiritually, or physically to see yourself as a son/daughter of a king each day?
Outward Prayer
We do not have value because Jesus died for us, Jesus died for us because we have value.
Psalm 139, Genesis 1:26-28
In the beginning, God created humanity, breathed life into them, and said it was “very good!” Humans have always been set apart from every other creature as they bear the image and likeness of God. Since the beginning of creation, humans have been intrinsically valuable. Psalm 139, one of the most quoted passages in Scripture, says that humans are fearfully and wonderfully made. God knits us together in our mother’s womb and has designed each of us with intention, value, and purpose. This means that God continues to value every human life just like those created in the beginning.
It is easy to see that humanity has put a dent in this value. Still bearing the image of God, humanity often does not bear God’s likeness. This is revealed in Genesis 3 as sin entered the world through the disobedience, pride, and rebellion of Adam & Eve. An interesting observation of this story is that before “The Fall”, Adam had been named by God, yet Eve remained nameless. It was only after they sinned, that Adam named Eve. Satan, the accuser, loves to lie, especially to those who do not know their identity: loved and valued by God.
Because of this broken relationship between God and humanity, due to sin, God chose to make a way to restore it. Throughout the Bible, God’s people try again and again to make themselves right with God but it always ends in failure. Therefore God sent his son Jesus, to make the way clear for humanity to come back into right relationship with God. While we were sinners, Christ died for us (Rom 5:8). Jesus was not sent because we were worthless. Jesus was sent because of the intrinsic worth and value that humanity has: as image bearers of God. We do not have value because Jesus died for us, Jesus died for us because we have value. In Romans 8, we read about what happens when we accept the free gift of salvation found in Jesus: We are adopted into the family of God. Our identity as sons and daughters is restored. And we are seen as holy, blameless, and pure because of Christ in us. This influences how we live.
Our identity as humans is valued, created, and loved by God yet relationally separated by sin.
Our identity as Christians is valued, created, and loved by God. Relationally adopted as children of God, pure and blameless because of Jesus.
As you prepare the core of the message using personal story and questions keep in mind these points:
- God has designed each person with a different personality, gifting, calling, and passion for his glory. Where have you seen this in your life?
- Sin breaks all relationships. Our relationship with God, how we see ourselves, and how we see others. People make mistakes but you are not a mistake.
- Our identity as humans is valued, created, and loved by God. Yet relationally separated by sin.
- Our identity as Christians is valued, created, and loved by God. Relationally adopted as children of God, pure and blameless because of Jesus.
As you prepare the application, challenge and/or encouragement, keep in mind these points:
- If we don’t root our identity in God, it is very easy to believe lies about ourselves. What are some of the things that your listener may believe about themselves that is not true?
- Read Psalm 139 slowly, who does God say I am?
- Write on a whiteboard, the question “Who does God say I am?” Invite listeners to write their answers.