2025 January 29 | The Gospel of Matthew: The Promise of His Presence
Small Group Questions:
- In what ways can we actively rely on Jesus’ presence and authority in our decisions, relationships, and personal growth?
- Share personal experiences where you have felt Jesus’ presence or guidance, especially during challenging times.
- To be a follower of Jesus and be commissioned by Jesus is the greatest honour, do we see it that way and is it changing how we live?
- Discuss practical ways to cultivate a deeper awareness of the Holy Spirit’s presence and leadership in our lives.
- Based on today’s discussion, what steps can we take individually and as a group to fulfill the Great Commission in our communities and spheres of influence?
“I am with you always” – Jesus
Matthew 28:16-20
Matthew concludes with the risen Jesus giving a final teaching called the Great Commission. He is now the true King of the world, so he sends the disciples to all nations with the good news that Jesus is Lord. Anyone can join his Kingdom by being baptized and following his teachings. Echoing all the way back to the first chapter with his name, Immanuel, or “God with us,” Jesus’ last words to his disciples are, “I will be with you always.” It’s a promise of Jesus’ personal presence that will be with his followers until he finally returns to rejoin heaven and earth in God’s Kingdom.
This group had experienced intense emotional highs and lows. They believed Jesus was the Messiah who would save the world, but then witnessed His arrest and crucifixion, causing profound pain and confusion. Yet, three days later, He was alive again. As they watched Jesus ascend into heaven, it reinforced the truth that He remains with them always. Previously, they felt abandoned when Jesus was crucified, but now He assures them that He will never leave, despite not being physically present. How is such a promise possible? Because Jesus holds all authority in heaven and on earth. How is such a promise done? He promises that it is possible through the Holy Spirit: Through the presence of the Holy Spirit, Jesus is constantly and fully present with us. We are blessed to know that not only is He with us, but He also lives in us and works through us. In times of trouble and in times of rejoicing, we can be fully confident that Jesus is with us, hears our prayers, answers our prayers, and is placing us exactly where He wants us to be for our own good and for His glory. (John 14: 16-17).
As you prepare the core of the message using personal stories and questions keep in mind these points:
- Because Jesus has ultimate power and is always with me, I am sent to spread his good news and live in obedience to him.
- “The Great Commission is not an option to be considered; it is a command to be obeyed.” Hudson Taylor
- “If a commission by an earthly king is considered an honour, how can a commission by a Heavenly King be considered a sacrifice?” David Livingstone
- I am never alone. Me + God = The majority
- Gen Z exhibits loneliness and alienation more than other generations. The answer to the loneliness pandemic is Christians being Christ-like.
As you prepare the application, challenge and/or encouragement, keep in mind these points:
- Who are you sharing the gospel with?
- Do you know someone who is lonely? Be obedient to Jesus and spend time with them.
- To be a follower of Jesus and be commissioned by Jesus is the greatest honour, do we see it that way and is it changing how we live?