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Here are some details to help navigate the way for the Relaunch of Wednesday Youth:

  • Gr 7-9 enter at the West Entrance & Gr 10-12 enter at the East Entrance
  • Youth will need to be wearing a mask and sanitize their hands upon arrival
  • We will make sure youth are registered. Youth must have a registration form completed by a parent or guardian to participate
  • Youth will be directed to their assigned small group room. The room will be sized to each group to accommodate social distancing. Masks will be worn. Each group will have a trained adult leader
  • Groups will proceed to auditorium for the teaching portion of the night and then return to their assigned rooms for discussion and prayer. Each group will have an assigned section of the auditorium and able to sit six feet apart.
  • Youth will be dismissed and asked to leave by the same doors they entered. Exceptions will be made for families.

For youth that will join us online. They will watch the teaching on YouTube and then join their small group on Zoom. We will provide the specific meeting information to each group in the coming weeks.



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