2023- Apr 12 | Life on Purpose


This is for You

Big Idea:
The full experience of life with Jesus is found when we join his mission of telling others about the kingdom of God. God’s heart is for you and the world around you.

Key Scriptures:
2 Corinthians 5:17-21

Discussion Break 1: What is most difficult when talking about your personal faith with friends who have other beliefs?

Discussion Break 2: Which problems in the world do you feel most passionate about seeing changed? Or what problems bother you most?

Ending Discussion:

  1. Read 2 Corinthians 5:17-21. What do these verses tell us about evangelism?
  2. Do you think our culture has a negative perception of the word “evangelism?” Why do you think there is (or isn’t)?
  3. What exites you about sharing your faith?
  4. What makes you nervous about sharing your faith?
  5. How can we practice the art of being on mission more frequently and effectively day to day?

Spend some time as a group or in smaller groups of two or three, praying that the Holy Spirit would give you:

Love (Romans 5:5)
Boldness (Acts 4:29)
Fearlessness (Romans 8:15-17)
Power (Ephesians 3:14-21)
Wisdom and Opportunity (Colossians 4:2-6)

Leader Resources:



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