2023- Apr 19 | Life on Purpose
This is for You
Big Idea:
In the work of building his kingdom, God does the heavy lifting-we trust, obey and ask for his help. Prayer moves God’s heart, and changes ours.
Key Scriptures:
Luke 11:1-2
Discussion Break 1: What does prayer look like in your life? When do you find yourself praying the most?
Discussion Break 2: Do you ever pray for others? If so, what kinds of things do you find yourself praying for?
Ending Discussion:
- Read Luke 11:1-2. What do you think it means when we pray for God’s kingdom to come on earth as it is in heaven?
- What’s the hardest part of prayer for you?
- If you knew without a shadow of doubt that God was listening, would that change the way you pray? In what way?
- Take a few moments to pray together
Take a moment to write down the names of three people in your life who don’t yet know Jesus and spend some time praying for them. As a group, decide on a time to set an alarm each day to pray for your friends.
Leader Resources: